Which Temperature Chamber Is Best for Temperature Cycling?


The flawless performance of several products leaves us amazed. For example, you see how electronic, automotive, and pharmaceutical products work smoothly. What is the secret behind it? The answer lies in the temperature cycling process. However, the question arises: Which temperature chamber is best for temperature cycling?   Several temperature chambers are used for this…

Tensile Strength vs Breaking Strength


Tensile and breaking strength are two important parameters. Manufacturers consider these two parameters when choosing any material. Unfortunately, a majority of laypeople consider these parameters the same. Remember, there are multiple differences between them. Those decisions ignite debate on tensile strength vs breaking strength.   Both of these parameters are handy when assessing the capacity…

What is a Martindale Rub Test?

What is a Martindale Rub Test?

Are you going to buy upholstery fabric? You’ll first see Martindale rub scores written on the fabric labels. Not understanding this score can be disastrous, and you might buy the wrong fabric quality. But what is a Martindale Rub Test? How is it so crucial in the fabrics market? These questions can be confusing to…

IEC 60068 – Environmental Testing

IEC 60068 - Environmental Testing

IEC 60068- Environmental testing has transformed product quality assurance. In the past, the industries had to face many issues regarding the quality of the products. From returning to products getting damaged – industries faced a lot of challenges. But with IEC 60068 standards, things have become a lot easier.   IED 60068 international standards involve…

UN 38.3 Testing for Lithium Batteries


Lithium batteries dominate the world with their latest technology. They are extensively used worldwide and are transported from one location to another. Have you thought about how those explosive batteries are transported securely? UN 38.3 testing for lithium batteries is the reason behind their safe transport.   As you know, lithium batteries have high energy…

Different Types Of Hardness Tests


Testing the hardness of any material is paramount for its applications. Without determining the hardness, it would be unwise to use the material. Hardness controls many other characteristics of materials. However, different types of hardness tests are available.   Each of those hardness tests varies in the way they measure hardness. This makes the selection…

How to Test an Automotive Relay?

How to Test an Automotive Relay

Do you work as an electrician? Or are you a car enthusiast who wants to check the condition of his vehicle’s relay? No matter who you are, knowing how to test an automotive relay is crucial. It helps keep the car’s components running smoothly.   Manufacturers use car relays to control various components, including lights,…