Universal Hardness Tester

  • XB-OTS-570HAD is a universal hardness testing instrument for measuring the Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers scale.
  • XB-OTS-570HAD equip 7-testing-force and 5-indenter. It is universal to measure most metal materials.
  • XB-OTS-570HAD dwell time from 2 to 60S can be set up by the “time key” inside the LCD panel. It is much more convenient than the setup on the manual hardness tester.
  • An electronic motor automatically drives XB-OTS-570HAD loading, dwelling, and unloading and doesn’t need the operator to handle it. It eliminates the human operating error maximum.
  • XB-OTS-570HAD doesn’t need the operator to read and check the hardness scale table. The universal hardness tester will compute and display the testing result once pressing the key of the digital length sensor.